A study of camera placement, perspective, composition guidelines

Line and Shape
A study on concrete shapes, implied shapes, leading lines, subframing, etc

Black and White
A study of black and white photography, its benefits, tonal contrast

A study of color photography, color palette, color contrast
Architectural Photography
A study on taking images of buildings and architectural elements, techniques to explore

Street Photography
A study on taking images in public places, stories you can tell of city and life

Cloud and Sky
A study of clouds and skies as subjects, the importance of taking pictures of them, how I chose to compose images
Flowers and Plants
A study of flowers and plants as subjects, how I chose to compose images

A study of lamps as subjects, why they fascinate me, how I chose to compose images

A study of bokeh and its beauty, techniques for getting bokeh in the shot
Abstract-Intentional Camera Movement
A study of an abstract photography technique called intentional camera movement, techniques you can use to get icm shots